A first-class book for almost schoolchildren UA Vivat


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The new book by child and family psychologist Svitlana Roiz is a game, training and psychotherapeutic practice at the same time. It will help the child and his parents cope with anxiety before the start of school life. Adults will be able to assess whether the child is ready for school: each page is both a test and a tool in preparation. And the future first-graders, having „visited” the school together with the main character, will find out what awaits them there. You will find many ideas and practices for easy adaptation. And let this „First-class book” become a good guide to the world of growing up

Powieści i opowiadania

chodź tu, okna życia, panele fotowoltaiczne koszt, wycięcie migdałków, bank wbk, slr, finał ligi mistrzów, koktajl odchudzajacy przepis, mcdonald kawy, wielki marsz, badanie histopatologiczne czas oczekiwania na wynik, tatuaż dziecko, bez wiz, tauron pl, poznań mieszkania wynajem
