A healthy diet for a better version of yourself Vivat



Oksana Sokolova is a biologist, nutritionist, founder of the Health is Wealth project,healthy lifestyle coach, author of the https://hiw.tips blog and columnistForbes, „New Time”, WoMo, Anywellmag, BeautyHub. A guest speaker on STB, TRK Ukraina, Dim, and 1+1 TV channels, a participant in marathons, a long-distance swimmer who conquered the Bosphorus, Sokolova is constantly improving herself. Currently has certificates from Stanford University, Wageningen University & Research, Doane Universitys Open Learning Academy. For me, healthy food is the basis. But this does not mean that I cannot afford to eat what I want, even if the time is not right. I know that there should be harmony in everything. In a world full of limitations, you want to find your own secrets of beauty and health. Oksanas book will help to do this easily and without the need to go on a diet.

Powieści i opowiadania

urzad skarbowy praca, naczelny sąd administracyjny, rury gazociągowe, kiedy zus wypłaca zasiłek chorobowy, pity gov pl, stan spoczynku, mosty gdynia, gdzie wyrzucać kartony po mleku, decybele tabela, do końca, dziedziczenie, postulaty solidarność, zakłady karne w polsce, europoseł zarobki
