Rethinking Competitive Advantage


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How do companies build a competitive advantage in the digital age? In this lively, accessible guide, Ram Charan – million-copy-bestselling author and advisor to some of the worlds top CEOs – reveals that the tech giants have radically rewritten the rules of business. If you want to win, you need to learn to play a new game.Delving into the inner workings of the likes of Netflix, Amazon and Alibaba, Charan uncovers the six unwritten rules that make the digital giants thrive: from how they use digital platforms and create corporate ecosystems, to the way they approach team organisation and moneymaking.But these rules are not the preserve of Silicon Valley. Charan shows that they can be applied to any company that wants to be competitive. And with stories of how traditional companies like Disney, Walmart, and BMW have adopted them, he offers a practical toolbox for applying them to your business, starting today.Whether youre a C-suite executive or a fledgling entrepreneur, your company can succeed in the digital age. This book will show you how.One of the worlds most renowned management consultants and authors. Fast CompanyEAN: 9781847943477

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