Tanzania mapa 1:1 370 000 ITMB



The country of Tanzania is a vibrant economic powerhouse of East Africa. Touristically, it is one of the friendliest of countries, and has a treasure trove of game parks and historic towns to explore. Perhaps the greatest or best known game preserve is Serengeti, but my favourite is Ngogongoro Crater, an extinct but massive volcanic crater whose caldera houses thousands of animals and birds in comfort. Amboseli is also easy to explore, and for ruggedness, it is hard to beat Selous. For climbers, there is always Kilimanjaro, and off the coast are the ancient slaver islands of zanzibar and Pemba, now touristic delights. This edition cant offer any dramatic new information. We have updated the road information showing the new east-west highway joining Dar to Lake Victoria via Dodomo, the new capital.

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